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Frazee-Vergas Public Schools

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Gifted & Talented Services

Contact: tbd / 218-334-3181 ext. 

The Gifted Services Program is designed and delivered to develop and nurture the social, emotional, intellectual and creative potential of Frazee-Vergas students with exceptional abilities. Frazee-Vergas Gifted Services identifies elementary students in the top of their class with demonstrated achievement on the Cognitive Ability Test (CogAT), STAR Reading & Math Assessment, along with teacher observation / recommendation. Special attention is also paid to the historical pattern of achievement when identifying students who enter our schools from other districts, states and/or countries. At the elementary level, classroom teachers are asked to observe performance in the areas of motivation, creativity, learning, adaptability, and leadership.

The Gifted Services Program provides services to identified students in grades 3 – 6. Program components are developed in conjunction with the Frazee-Vergas  School District Mission, Outcomes and Core Values.

The components and lessons are delivered through weekly pull­out classes, include an academic connection to grade level studies, imbedded introduction and/or practice of critical skills, and student self-discovery content. Weekly meetings may include writing instruction, reading discussions, group interactions, presentations, self-reflection, research, experimentation, or other lessons or activities that will promote curiosity and understanding about the greater world and/or themselves.

Policy 513 - Student Promotion / Retention

Policy 540 - Early Admission

Identification Protocol

Acceleration Guidelines & Procedures

Student Acceleration Referral Form

Student Acceleration Documentation Form